Claims Assistance

If you need help with an insurance claim, we will be there to assist you. We have a great working relationship with the local insurance agents, adjusters and most of the large national insurance companies. We can assist in filing your claim, meeting with your adjuster, helping you understand and decipher your insurance papers and providing you with all the necessary documents for getting your check endorsed by your lender.

We highly recommend you get your roof inspected by a trusted roofing company before filing a claim. Most insurance companies consider it an "insurance claim" even if their adjuster finds no damage and there are no funds given to you. Also remember, a shady roofing company will always recommend you file a claim.

In many cases the process from filing a claim to us finishing your new roof can be less than 7 days. Once your damage claim is approved by your insurance company we can put your new roof on at no upfront cost to you. Plus, in most cases, our customers have no out of pocket expenses period.

Don't get scammed!
  • After a hail storm, you will likely be inundated by door hangers, telemarketers, TV and newspaper advertising, or people knocking on your doors.
  • Always check the contractor out thoroughly before hiring them. Check with the Chamber of Commerce as well to determine how long they've been a member. Ask for local, recent references. You can also check with your insurance agent. They know the best and local contractors.

Watch out for out-of-town contractors

What's the possibility of an out-of-town contractor being there for you or "coming back" when an issue with the roof arises? Watch for roofing companies with high pressure salesman or require money up front before the roof is complete.